essays and commentary on science news, research, environment, science writing, learning to write well, getting published and writing about living, :)
Monday, February 28, 2011
How do we Know? Climate deniers...This is how we know
Friday, February 25, 2011
Fracking - An American Crisis
Cause Bulletin
Fracking may ignite Karoo water conflict
by: Saving Water SA (Cape Town, South Africa) – partnered with Water Rhapsody conservation systems – 05 September 2010
A battle is brewing between local people and major energy companies looking to exploit possible sources of shale gas in the Karoo.
Shale gas is natural gas stored in rocks that are rich in organic material such as dark colored shale
And at the heart of the conflict will be the one thing that is really scarce in the Karoo – water.
Five companies… Read More
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- are still those people out there who still don't get it. I was told by a friend to stop my protests as companies like Shell, Bundu, Falcon and even Sasol exist so that I may gallavant in my car. Denial! Denial! Denial! Join the cause Stop Hydraulic Fracturing in the Karoo and sign the petition people. We don't want to end up like Pensyllvania.
Tuesday at 5:29pm · 1 person
- Bianca E.A. Prinsloo
Gideon, Its sooo ridiculous, 15 years and then what? We spend millions (billions more like) for the next 100 trying to clean it all up? It just doesn't make sense. Lousie, gallivant in your car? OH PLEASE! Unless you're driving to Durban J...See More
Tuesday at 6:40pm
I have to admit, I kept seeing the term FRACKING, and wondered what it meant, like most people,it went on my mental list. " I need to find out what all the fuss is" I told myself. It gets harder and harder to absorb just how quickly these things get developed and overpoweringly huge. Before you have had a chance to leisurely look it up and get a grip on whether it is something that is totally scary. Then I read who developed it...Halliburton!. No wonder it got so big so fast. It is getting to be a full-time job just watching those guys.
Of course, it didn't take long to read about special rights and 'Freebies'(no need to disclose chemicals used, etc) that their good buddy Dick Cheney had included in the last round of EPA legislation just for this process...before we had even heard of it. Here are some folks that have felt the pain. I think I've included all the links. See what you think...Jeff Darling
Fracking is getting too big and nobody who is paying the price now knew what they were getting into.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Week 3 - Great Decisions- Germany Rising
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Breaking; Governor Scott Walker- allegedly talking to sponsor-he thinks
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Climate Deniers celebrate Record Temps
Monday, February 21, 2011
New Zealand Earthquake!!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Climate Deniers Want the Facts- I Give you the Truth as Best I Can
The result is a hotter Earth, with warmer average temperatures around the globe and a future climate system that will be more variable, and with more extreme events, says Scott Collins, a scientist at the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Sevilleta Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site in N.M.
Sevilleta is one of a network of 26 such NSF LTER sites around the world.
This winter's historic snows may be but one harbinger of what lies ahead.
Regionally severe winter weather may be linked to a planet whose temperature is going up, scientists say, not down. A warmer atmosphere holds more moisture and, as large land masses like North America cool over winter months, increased snowfall results.
On Wednesday, March 2, 2011, NSF will host a symposium titled, "Understanding Climate Change: Perspectives from Long-Term Ecological Research."
Friday, February 18, 2011
Hits and Messes II
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Caltech Makes New Link to Ancient Climate Change
To follow the rest of the story, please follow this link;
For a taped interview, expressing this news in the author's own voice and words;
Paper's Author Eiler speaks
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Amid charges of global warming hoax, new warning on climate change
Amid charges of global warming hoax, new warning on climate change Photo, courtesy pixomar A report Tuesday on the latest climate-change research shows emissions rising quickly and ice caps melting faster than projected. The report comes amid a controversy over hacked scientists’ e-mails that some say point to a global warming hoax. By Peter N. Spotts, Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor / November 25, 2009 Global carbon-dioxide emissions are rising fast, global temperatures continue to climb at a pace in line with projections, and polar regions are losing ice faster than climate models have projected. These are some of the recent research findings highlighted by a group of 26 climate scientists in a report released Tuesday dubbed The Copenhagen Diagnosis. The purpose of the effort, say researchers from eight countries, including the US, is to update policymakers and the public about the pulse of the planet ahead of the climate-treaty negotiations scheduled to begin in the Danish capital Dec. 7. The assessment comes amid a controversy over hacked e-mails of climate scientists – including a few who contributed to this effort – that global warming skeptics are using to question climate science. |
In the United States, climate deniers are at an all-time high. They feel that by talking loudly, and talking enough, they can somehow change the truth. I have to admit I am unable to understand it. I can do nothing more than report . This is, yet again, more evidence of the real picture, as science sees it.This announcement, made today, is another in a long string of moves by the United Nations, to put this issue to rest so we can get on with the necessary moves to ameliorate the results as much as possible.
Unfortunately, there are vested interests who stand to gain vast sums of money by delaying the necessary actions. This is done at the risk of every man woman and child in the United States and the world.
Please help us to act...Jeff Darling: Editor
- Both the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are losing mass and contributing to sea-level rise at an increasing rate.
- The area of summer sea ice remaining during 2007-2009 was about 40% less than the average projection from the 2007 IPCC Fourth Assessment Report.
- Global sea-level rise may exceed 1 meter by 2100. Without significant mitigation, sea-level rise of several meters is to be expected over the next few centuries.
- The report found that global ice sheets are melting at an increased rate; Arctic sea ice is thinning and melting much faster than recently projected, and future sea-level rise is now by around 80-95% below 1990 levels by 2050.
Monday, February 14, 2011
The Harvest of Knowledge-and The Ability to Make a Difference
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Pale Blue Dot
(the dot in the small box is Earth, seen through the ring of Saturn, by the voyager spacecraft, on February 14, 1990)
The idea was to show us in a real way. We are the most special bunch we have ever known. We are the best we have seen. It was in this spirit that we needed to see ourselves in perspective. To see ourselves through the ring of a much larger world. Tosee that we are, sometimes, in some ways, so delicate and fragile, and small. The fact of being able to see ourselves, as we are, is our greatness.
The only other photo I know of that has ever matched The Pale Blue Dot in its impact was the first one from space that captured the whole planet, alone in space, for the first time.
I looked around for a while, for this copy of the Pale Blue Dot, owned by us all. In one location, I found a hundred copies of this photo. These copies were all slightly different from this original, and so they must have all reflected someone's desire to take credit for the photo. Maybe they made a buck from it. Maybe they made a poster.Maybe they hoped someone would think they had taken a jaunt to the rings of Saturn, from which spot they could get a really cool picture of Earth as a pale blue dot, barely showing through the rings. Maybe they just wanted to express their own art. I am sure this is the most likely, although the one about having been to Saturn was funnier.
Oh well, thank you again Carl, for your vision, your wisdom. Happy twenty-first anniversary for another great, original idea.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Hits and messes
I try to remember, when I get in a rush to get published. I am what I am and I will take some time to be able to write as well as I would like. Meanwhile, I make progress, I learn and grow. This is everything I can do. Oh, yeah, and enjoy the ride.
I finally have an article in the paper and I thought I should at least have a link to it.
This is a lecture series I take a class in. I have written a story for the local on-line paper( and the college tapes it. have a look
link to story
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Amazon Drought; Is anyone else bothered by this?
Two severe Amazon droughts in five years alarms scientists
Monday, February 7, 2011
Helios 360
Wow! After all these years, we have a complete picture of the sun. I find it a little breathtaking. I do hope the 2012'ers can now feel certain there are no planets hiding on the opposite side of the sun from Earth.The more important, of course, is the increase in ability.Take for instance the inability to continue broadcasting from the Mars orbiter last week. If we had used a system that reached the entire circumference, it would not have happened.
In case you missed it, by the way, the orbiter went behind the sun to us. When this happened, the communication had to be stilled because otherwise we would be taking a chance that interference from the Sun would interrupt a part of the signal from us to the orbiter. If it would have killed all instructions, no big deal. Obviously, if it didn't kill any signal, same thing. But, kill a part and anything could happen. Ergo, shut it down. I believe we will find innumerable ways to utilize this ability. (we always do).
Anyway, this is my first try at video, so, enjoy(all 1 or 2 of you)
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Snow Days
Snow Days
Remember what it was like to have a snow day when you were young? For one thing, I think I had three in my life. It was just never done. These days I see the kids and the way they handle this most magical of gifts, the snow day, and I wonder what alien universe I woke up in. From the fact that they get at least two or three every year, to how these things are decided. Last year they had one and the snow never came. That’s right; the Superintendent hadn’t actually seen snow before he called a day off.
I remember a serious snow storm in nineteen sixty seven. I lived three blocks from school, and of course I walked. Do you know how hard it was to get a snow day off from the school Superintendent? He was charge’ d’affaires of a system which in those days was only outdone by military prison in its ability to deny freedom to stout-hearted, adventurous and glory- seeking young men. Of course, by adventure and glory you do understand me to mean girls, right?
Whether it was to hang out talking with friends about them, committing outrageous acts to impress them, or simply walking in circles hour after hour in a public place, these matters were of great import. Working up the courage was so difficult. It was sheer triumph to finally spit out the bold and public “Hi”, which she had waited to see if you could summon the courage for. Having summoned the courage was never as important as it seemed it would be, but it put a guy on a new level. It made him a doer.
These times stay with us forever. They say a bit about who we are, where we came from. It is very similar to having been in the military in that It is recognizable. However the sixties, parenthood, Nixon or Vietnam changed us, guys who went through either can tell each other from fifty yards. I am glad.