Stop Frakking...Period.
We have seen plenty of evidence to know by now that Hydraulic Fracturing is bad news. It is inexcusable to allow free rein and special exemptions for industry to take such advantage of our precious resources. To take advantage of US.The mixture of chemicals used for frakking needs to be made public. The law that gives these manufacturers free rein must be rescinded. If they are not in compliance with Federal law under the EPA, and they are not prosecuted only because they are excused from reporting, they are criminals, and should be dealt with accordingly. Write your Congressman or Senator today. We are asking for the basic rights we were accorded forty years ago to be upheld. Do not let a handful of greedy millionaires to commit these crimes without even having to show whether their practices are safe or not.Thank You...Jeff Darling
Stop Hydraulic Fracturing in the Karoo
We need to stop fracking in this area for the sake of our environment, our future, our livelihoods, our health, our quality of life and our children's heritage!
"Large parts of South Africa's beautiful, but water-poor and ecologically sensitive Karoo region are under threat of being devastated by mining operations to extract natural gas using a controversial technique called hydraulic fracturing or 'fracking'.
During fracking millions of litres of water, sand and numerous chemicals most of which are toxic, carcinogic as well as teratogenic (they include benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylene, ethylene glycol (antifreeze), diesel fuel, naphthalene (moth ball) compounds, boric acid, arsenic, poly nuclear organic hydrocarbons, only to name a few of 500-odd chemicals used), are pumped into boreholes at high pressure to release natural gas (called shale gas) trapped in layers of underground rock.
In the USA, where fracking has been used extensively, there have been hundreds of documented cases of this process resulting in:
- catastrophic drinking water pollution;
- air pollution;
- health concerns for humans and animals; and
- general environmental degradation.
Right now, Shell and other international and local companies are preparing to explore tens of thousands of square kilometres of land in South Africa for natural gas exploration by fracking. Most of the area under threat is already extremely water-stressed and can not afford any water to be either wasted or contaminated by the fracking process which, once in full production, may involve tens of thousands of boreholes and billions of litres of water.
There is a growing groundswell of opposition to the use of fracking in South Africa by a broad coalition of farmers, environmental organisations and ordinary citizens.
(Quoted from on 21 February 2011)
During fracking millions of litres of water, sand and numerous chemicals most of which are toxic, carcinogic as well as teratogenic (they include benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylene, ethylene glycol (antifreeze), diesel fuel, naphthalene (moth ball) compounds, boric acid, arsenic, poly nuclear organic hydrocarbons, only to name a few of 500-odd chemicals used), are pumped into boreholes at high pressure to release natural gas (called shale gas) trapped in layers of underground rock.
In the USA, where fracking has been used extensively, there have been hundreds of documented cases of this process resulting in:
- catastrophic drinking water pollution;
- air pollution;
- health concerns for humans and animals; and
- general environmental degradation.
Right now, Shell and other international and local companies are preparing to explore tens of thousands of square kilometres of land in South Africa for natural gas exploration by fracking. Most of the area under threat is already extremely water-stressed and can not afford any water to be either wasted or contaminated by the fracking process which, once in full production, may involve tens of thousands of boreholes and billions of litres of water.
There is a growing groundswell of opposition to the use of fracking in South Africa by a broad coalition of farmers, environmental organisations and ordinary citizens.
(Quoted from on 21 February 2011)
- Fracking may pose serious risks to our environment in terms of pollution.
- Fracking will contaminate our vulnerable water supply.
- Fracking poses serious health for humans and animals alike.
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